A star as a daily guide
The diagram of psychological functions as a map to orientate our days
This pandemic period is characterized by the momentary easing of the pressure that the collective life’s pace exerts on individuals. Some people experience this state of affairs as an authentic liberation; others instead feel lost; others still imprisoned.
While considering the heavy limitations to which we are subjected, it is also true that many of us are faced with greater freedom, and therefore greater responsibility, in the management and organization of their days. We can make this situation an opportunity for reflection, and this reflection will perhaps also be useful to us when we regain a situation of “normality”.
The diagram of psychological functions (see image) represents the general ideal model of human being proposed by Psychosynthesis. The different functions (sensation, impulse-desire, emotion-sensation, imagination, thought and intuition) are represented identical and balanced with each other to underline that they are equivalent in meaning and importance. At the center, we find the Self (the subject) and its privileged function, the will. This diagram can help us in this reflection by allowing us to identify a more balanced and harmonious rhythm of life.
- How are my BODY and SENSATIONS? Am I take care? What physical activities, colors, flavors, sounds, smells, and touch do I choose to cultivate today? How?
- How are my NEEDS, my DESIRES, and my ASPIRATIONS? Am I taking care? What needs do I choose to satisfy? What desires and aspirations do I choose to cultivate today? In what way?
- How are my EMOTIONS and FEELINGS? Am I take care? What emotions and feelings do I choose to cultivate today? How?
- How is my IMAGINATION? Am I take care of it? What images, symbols and visions am I choose to cultivate today? In what way?
- How are my THOUGHS? Am I take care of them? What thoughts, ideas, and reflections do I choose to cultivate, to deepen today? In what way?
- How is my INTUITION? Am I take care of it? How can I cultivate inner silence and listen to my Self today?
- How is my (SELF-) CONSCIOUSNESS? Am I take care of it? How can I cultivate presence, awareness and loving observation today? How?
- How is my WILL? Am I take care of it? What values, motivations and goals am I choosing to cultivate today? How?