I love writing

and I have published a number of books on Psychosynthesis over the years.

I love writing, and I have published a number of books on Psychosynthesis over the years:

2022 – “La Vía de la Psicosíntesis – Una guía completa de los orígenes, conceptos y las experiencias fundamentales de la Psicosíntesis con una biografía de Roberto Assagioli” (Psychosynthesis Books)

2022 – “Know, Love, Transform yourself (Vol II) – Theory, techniques and new developments in Psychosynthesis” (Psychosynthesis Books)

2021 – “Know, Love, Transform yourself (Vol I) – Theory, techniques and new developments in Psychosynthesis” (Psychosynthesis Books)

2020 – “La Voie de la Psychosynthèse – Un guide complet des origines, des concepts et des expériences de la Psychosynthèse accompagné d’une biographie de Roberto Assagioli” (Ericlea PS)

2018 – “The Way of Psychosynthesis – A complete guide to origins, concepts, and the fundamental experiences with a biography of Roberto Assagioli” (Synthesis Insights).

2017 – “La Via della Psicosintesi – Una guida completa alle origini, ai concetti e alle esperienze della Psicosintesi con una biografia di Roberto Assagioli” (Xenia, riedizione)

2016 – “Conosci, Possiedi, Trasforma te stesso  Una raccolta di strumenti pratici per l’armonia interiore, lo sviluppo del potenziale e la Psicosintesi personale e transpersonale” (Xenia)

2011 – “La Via della Psicosintesi – Una guida completa alle origini, ai concetti e alle esperienze della Psicosintesi con una biografia di Roberto Assagioli” (L’Uomo)


“Petra Guggisberg Nocelli outlines with depth and clarity the history of Psychosynthesis to this day, its main ideas, techniques, aspects and applications. An essential work for those who want to understand this adventure of the spirit.”

“A truly large framework that tends toward an essential completeness. These volumes deserve to occupy a significant place in the recent development of psychosynthetic literature.”

“Until recently there was a dearth of books on Psychosynthesis but in the past few years several new titles have been released. The Way of Psychosynthesis stands head and shoulders above the rest, being well written, interesting and engaging.”

“The Author has given us the great gift of coming to know Roberto Assagioli – the man and his vision – better, and of helping us understand how to support more skillfully and wisely the complexities and beauties of whole human development.”

“You have the impression of being in front of a harmonious and richly coloured mandala, which allows us to look through Psychosynthesis in the multidimensionality of space and of time.”

“An excellent text of Psychosynthesis, complete and exhaustive. It was written with the mind and heart and deserves wide circulation.”

“With this thorough overview work, Petra has delivered standard books, a gold mine for those interested in Psychosynthesis and Transpersonal Psychology.”

“The most comprehensive academic textbooks on Psychosynthesis to date. I am happy for the cause of Psychosynthesis that the Author has done such a magnificent work.”

“A truly gift to the English-speaking psychosynthesis community. Petra has thoroughly read, organized and compiled a multitude of psychosynthesis material available in Italian only, including various works by Roberto Assagioli.”

“A work of great love and deep scholarship, Dr. Nocelli has taken on a challenge in Psychosynthesis literature which has not yet been engaged in.”

The Way of Psychosynthesis is a systematic and accurate vision of Psychosynthesis, which also takes into account recent developments in Assagiolian theory.”

“An intrinsic work of psychosynthetic spirit. The Author says all the essentials with a clarity that makes it very easy to assimilate. A vacuum has been filled in the psychosynthetic literature. Definitely recommended as a didactic texts.”

The Way of Psychosynthesis is a ‘must read’ for anyone interested in psychology.”

“This book is the result of a great research, a careful, meticulous work that deals with the development of the thought of Roberto Assagioli in a scientific way. I consider it as a guide for the planning of training courses in Psychosynthesis.”

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