Research, trends and power of psychosynthesis
(an evening with Petra Guggisberg Nocelli)
Interview by Peter Stewart
hosted by EPA (European Psychosynthesis Association) and translated by Valeria Ballarotti
Petra Guggisberg Nocelli is being interviewed on the present situation of Psychosynthesis when it comes to research and trends. She also speaks about her writing and publishing work, about the gift of Psychosynthesis in these times and about its founder Roberto Assagioli.
Watch the video (YouTube)
- 0:00: Welcome by Eva Sanner and presentation of the event
- 6.55: How did you personally come to be interested in Psychosynthesis? And what inspired you to write the books you have written?
- 12.05: “The Way of Psychosynthesis” (your first book) provides much biographical detail about Roberto Assagioli, some of which I hadn’t read elsewhere. How did you go about researching it? How accessible is the source material to outsiders?
- 20.20: Assagioli described the will as “the Cinderella of modern psychology”! How are Assagioli’s teachings on Will relevant in the 21st century?
- 26.40: Assagioli’s books and papers outline a multitude of techniques for self-development and your latest book “Know, Love, Transform yourself” assembles a great many of these. How do you see these being used by practitioners nowadays?
- 32.05: In the book we are talking about, there are 26 chapters written by authors from many different countries. What were the criteria that guided your choice of contributors?
- 38.38: How do you characterize Psychosynthesis? Is it a movement, or a philosophy, or a type of science, or an approach to psychotherapy? What is most important?
- 44.15: To what extent is Psychosynthesis still evolving? In his famous interview with Sam Keen, Assagioli seemed to suggest it would never stop evolving. What aspects of Assagioli’s work seem particularly relevant nowadays?
- 51.13: Assagioli talked a great deal about creativity, in music, in literature, in the arts generally, even in science. Why was creativity so important for Assagioli?
- 55.50: Finally, any thoughts about the EPA and its role? How can the various psychosynthesis groups around the world work together to maximum effect?