Psychosynthesis Experiences – 5
The ideal model: what we may and want to be
The Ideal Model is one of the fundamental active techniques used in Psychosynthesis to foster change and transformation. It consists, among other things, in the creative use of the imaginative function.
Psychosynthesis has always recognised that imagination has the power to profoundly shape our personality, in both a positive and negative sense. We are all familiar with how detrimental it is to feed negative images of ourselves. Conversely, positive images, especially when systematically and intentionally utilised, as in the technique of the Ideal Model, have the power to stimulate all that is good in us, evoking in us new faculties and qualities, favouring the expression of who we truly are, and helping us to achieve our deeply-felt existential project.
With a closer look, we can see that the Ideal Model incorporates all the concepts considered so far. Often, in fact, we do not have a clear image of the direction we wish to follow, we do not exactly know who we are and who we want to become. For this reason, we need to start by interrogating and sifting through all the different images that we have of ourselves (the theme of the multiplicity of the psyche and of subpersonalities). This is followed by the long process of understanding, accepting and disidentifying from all these images, particularly those that no longer serve us and that are limiting our evolutionary process. Finally, thanks to the space that we have created by means of disidentification, the experience of the “I” is activated, the experience of our authenticity.
After these three steps (multiplicity, disidentification, and experience of the “I”) – relating to the preparatory phase of the Ideal Model – comes the actual creative phase. This entails, first of all, choosing a model, in other words, defining the idea-image that we want to use as inspiration; we then need to activate the will to manifest and embody it and, finally, we need to visualise it vividly precisely and steadfastly until the transformational effects start taking place in our daily life.
Preparatory phase
– Inner multiplicity (the different images we have of ourselves)
– Disidentification (understanding, acceptance, disidentification)
– Self-identification (experience of the “I”, discovery of our “centre”)Creative phase
– Choice of a model (external or internal)
– Evocation of the will to actualise it
– Vivid and precise visualisation of the model (use of the imaginative function and the laws of psychodynamics)
– Constant repetition
But the Ideal Model is not only a technique comprising particular steps; it is above all a tool for promoting a new inner attitude towards the inevitable transformations and changes that we are confronted with every day.
Usually, in fact, we change in accidental and unconscious ways. We are passively subjected to change. In Psychosynthesis, however, transformation can become an active and deliberate attitude, based on self-knowledge, clarity of purpose and the conscious use of imagination and of other active techniques aimed at supporting change in our chosen direction.
For more:
- The Way of Psychosynthesis, Synthesis Insights (Part 4, Ch. V) – Buy now
- Know, Love, Transform yourself, Psychosynthesis books (Part 2 – Ch. 8)
– Know, Love, Transform yourself (Vol. I) – Buy now
– Know, Love, Transform yourself (Vol. II)– Buy now